Saturday, 31 March 2018

Can i watch my own video ads | Rewarded video ads - Technicaltune

Can i watch my own video ads | Rewarded video ads  - Technicaltune 

Hey there! I hope you are doing great, Have you ever clicked your own ad or watched your ad with the same device you logged in.Make sure to read the article till the end to know What happens when you click on your own admob ads,

Can i watch my own video ads | Rewarded video ads by admob

If we want to get answer for this question Can i watch my own video ads? First we need to go through the terms of use of Google Admob. It clearly say you that you should never click your own ads or even ad impressions.

Then you might get a question How can i check if my ad is working on my app or not. The best possible way is to place the Test code in your app during the time of development so you don't make Invalid clicks.This works same with Rewarded video ads. You should probably not watch and Click your own ads.

Why should I not click my own adsense ads ?

Google is very clever and you cant cheat it, As it has all the data about you, If you are on mobile it will track your location,IP address, Android ID, And even IMEI and Mac address. Google will find very easily if you are willingly clicking your own ads. The clicks and  Impressions will be calculated under Invalid activity which you probably don't want. If you have more invalid clicks and Hight CTR then your admob/adsense will be suspended permanently.

If you watch your video ads also it will be considered as a invalid activity and Invalid impressions.So as far as I know you neither should watch your Video ads nor click them.Which is against the terms of the Google and Advertiser.The advertiser should probably run a campaign to get some profit out of it and Google will not allow you to make loss for the advertiser.

Never underestimate Google if you are clicking your ads and there's nothing happened to your ads then don't ever thinks that it will be same all the time.This only means that Google is checking you and your behavior. Make sure never click on your own ads of either adsense for content or admob for Applications.

I hope you might have got some knowledge about the invalid activity of ads and you have understood why you should not click or watch your own ads. If you found it interesting make sure to share with your friends who are clicking their own ads,

 If you still have any doubts regarding this topic make sure to comment down below and I will be happy to reply to your queries.

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