Thursday, 26 April 2018

TS 10th Results 2018 -Check Telanagana Results

TS 10th Results 2018 - Update Check Results

Telangana Board of Secondary Education will release the TS SSC (Class 10) Results 2018 on the official website of the board on Friday, April 27, 2018. You can also get your result to your mail, By filling out your details Here The students who have appeared for the Telangana SSC Annual Examination 2018 can check their results in the official websites given below.After the short wait after the examinations finall  Telangana SSC Results 2018 ahave declared today on 27th April 2018.(at 7 pm) 

If you are wandering to check your SSC result 2018 then you are at right place, You can check your results in the Official websites given below in this article and students who have appeared for the exams should have their Hallticket Number with them while checking the results.
Grade system is followed by the TS board and students will only get to know their grades and not the actual marks.  Students can check their grades subject wise and also the final grade they received in over all and take a printout of it for future use to join in any stream.

How to check AP or 10th results 2018?See Here

Telangana and Ap SSC results will be available at manabadi or schools9 websites Students can get a hold of their results by clicking on the direct result links available in our page at the time of results release or even by following up with the official website of the board or manabadi website.  Students of SSC will be provided with latest updates regarding their results announcement and students need to keep a track of the official website not to miss out on the updates.  Students can take a printout of their result and keep a copy of it for further use.  The official marks list will be provided to the students by the board in later time.

Name of the Board Telangana Board of Secondary Education
Name of the Examination TS SSC /10th class Exams
Exams Dates March 15th 2018
Result Today at 7 Pm


If you have any doubts of if you want your results to be mailed to you You can submit Your details Here to us and your results will be mailed to you as soon as the results are announced.

The 2018 Telangana Class 10 results are scheduled to be released on April 27th.(Today) The Board of Secondary Education of Telangana (BSET) will declare the Senior Secondary Certificate (SSC) results at 10am on Friday. Students can check their TS SSC results on the board’s official website, 
Copy the above link and paste you will be redirected to the results page click the results tab and enter all the details required like  Hall ticket Number and if necessary date of birth.

If you want the results to be mailed to your E-mail just fill the google form given below and submit it, We will try to send you the results as soon as possible to your mail.

How to check Telangana 10th results 2018 (on the official website)

  1. Log on to the or
  2. Under the ‘Student Services’ section on the left panel, click on ‘Results’.
  3. Click on the SSC board result link.
  4. Enter the required details to access your SSC marks.
The Telangana board had conducted its SSC class 10th exam in the state from March 15th to April 2nd and more than 5 lakh students had appeared for the exam at around 2,500 examination centres.

How to check Ap ssc results 2018
How to check Ts ssc re

Check your results by e-mail Here

AP eamcet results 2018 (soon)

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